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Is cataract a deadly disease?

There is some misconception among people about cataract.cataract occurs due to normal ageing process of eye(except few types). There are various changes that happens in our body due to ageing say, appears of wrinkles, whitening of hair likewise there are multiple changes that happens in an eye, one of them is cataract.We call it as cataract when the norma

l transparent lens in eye turns into opaque structure causing blurring or decrease of vision.

Fortunately we do have advanced treatment for the same.Modern day surgery include phacoemulsification with foldable lens implantation under topical anaesthesia (by putting drops).This procedure involves only minimal cut (2.2mm) without any patch post operatively with near normal restoration of vision. This is so far the best treatment for cataract with minimal discomfort to patient unlike any other diseases of the body.If you have anymore queries about cataract please consult your doctor for resolution.

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